Sel and Fleur de Sel de Guérande – Protected Geographical Indication (PGI)

The PGI is a sign of origin defined at European level and attributed to products bearing a geographical name and whose specificity is linked to this origin. The PGI allows the protection of products and their names in all the countries of the European Union.

This sign of quality is intended for all professionals (producers, processors, packagers, etc.) interested in protecting a specific product bearing a geographical name, as is the case for sel de Guérande and fleur de sel de Guérande.

Official recognition of the specific characteristics of sel de Guérande and fleur de sel de Guérande (traditional and manual harvesting techniques, unwashed and unrefined products, absence of additives, etc.) and those of the geographical area will benefit all those involved in the Guérande sector. This PGI will provide consumers with a guarantee of the origin and quality of sel de Guérande and fleur de sel de Guérande. The PGI will make it possible to protect the names sel de Guérande and fleur de sel de Guérande throughout the European Union.

An application for PGI recognition for sel de Guérande and fleur de sel de Guérande, submitted to the INAO in May 2008, is currently underway. A first step towards the approval of this PGI was taken on 6 October 2010 with the acceptance of the “sel de Guérande – fleur de sel de Guérande” PGI specifications by the INAO national committee. The control plan relating to the specifications was validated by the INAO Certification and Approval Committee on 14 October 2010 and the INAO recognised APROSELA as the defence and management body for this dossier on 13 December 2010.

The order of 11 January 2011 approving the specifications of the PGI “Sel de Guérande” or “Fleur de sel de Guérande” was published in the Journal Officiel N°0030 of 5 February 2011 (page 2343).

The notice of launch of the public consultation for the application for the PGI “Sel de Guérande” was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 29 June 2011. This consultation lasts 6 months and concerns all member states except France.

Registration in the Official Journal of the European Union of the PGI sel de Guérande – fleur de sel de Guérande on 19 March 2012